With the work at home order back in place it is important for us all to reassess our work stations at home and make sure they are suitable for a full days work. During the last work from home order I saw a lot new patients due to damage done to their spine working in bad posture all day. I know it is tempting to work on your couch or from your dining room table but if your spine is not properly supported over a 8 hour work day that position can wreak havoc on your body. Here are the tips for a good work station that will keep your spine healthy. 

  • Keep shoulders low and back, not reaching forward
  • Lumbar support adjusted to align with the lower back curve
  • Armrests adjusted to elbow height resulting in elbows bent at 90 degrees
  • Hips should be slightly higher than the knees so weight is supported on the thighs
  • 2-3 inches of space behind the knee and front edge of the seat
  • Computer 18-36 inches away
  • Top of monitors are just below eye level
  • Keyboard and mouse are at elbow height
  • Wrists are straight
  • 90-120 degree angle between legs and hips
  • Feet are supported on the floor or a footrest

By following these instructions you can help reduce the risk of damaging your spine while working. These are all recommendations that most of our offices already have in place for us. If they are not it is necessary to modify your work station there as well.Â