Like many I have become a chiropractor to help others the way that I have been helped. I myself used to struggle with migraine headaches. The problem started back when I was in middle school and the migraines were debilitating. They made my life difficult both socially and academically, and even on occasion they got so bad I would black out. I had tried going to multiple specialists including 3 neurologists and I tried all the drugs they told me to take and took all the tests that they had for me, but nothing helped and all the drugs came with side effects. I had even been to a chiropractor for sports injuries all through out middle school and high school and nothing helped. It was not until I went to a upper cervical specific chiropractor in college that it was determined that the top bone in my neck is asymmetrical. He was able to get it straightened out and this finally helped me with my migraines.