A common question we get Is parents asking if their child to young for Chiropractic care. We are also met on occasion with skepticism of how a child could possibly need chiropractic care when they are so young. The simplest way to answer this question is that it is easier to grow healthy children than it is to heal broken adults. Anyone who has ever seen the birthing process can tell you that it is very hard on the baby in particular to the neck and this does include C-sections. Then as a child is growing they are bound to experience countless numbers of falls and precarious situations. We tend to notice that children do not sleep in a neutral position wreaking havoc on their spine. They engage in sports and activities that are hard on their spines. This can result in a variety of spinal issues that can stick with a child into adult hood because when the spine is developing misaligned it can cause lasting effects. In conclusion no one is to young for Chiropractic care. A college of mine has adjusted his own child just 2 minutes after birth and with the adjustment the child went from failing the APGAR test to passing with flying colors. In our office we commonly see babies for colic, sleep disturbance and issues with going number 2. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to give our office a call.Â